HIV Testing Should Be on Every Woman’s To-Do List
Life can be incredibly busy. From family to work and more, it seems like there are always more tasks than there is time. With so many items that must get done and…
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Life can be incredibly busy. From family to work and more, it seems like there are always more tasks than there is time. With so many items that must get done and…
Last week, I returned to work after almost three months on maternity leave. I am still settling into my new routine and lowkey struggling because it isn’t as easy of…
A couple that gives back together stays together. While that may not be 100% true, there is something great to be said about couples who share mutual interests and activities. Giving…
Yesterday in church, my pastor started a new series focused on marriage and parenting. During the message, he walked us through several key points about marriage and shared scriptures related…
Years ago, I clipped a powerful quote out of Essence and pinned it to a cork board in my apartment. The three pillars of deep spirituality are faith, hope, and…
Whether it is bad news at work, school, home, or in the world, it can be so hard to keep the faith and believe in anything good. Even when it seems…
I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately. Not just what it means on the surface, but what the bible has to say about the word. It’s no surprise that…
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with learning to be more effective with my time and to-dos. For me, the key to this is focus. I’ve spent way too much of my…
For many of us, we’re in the office (or en route to the office) more than we’re at home! Some companies make it very easy to give back at work through…
Everyday, we stumble into the world to work, play, eat, and everything in between. But, no matter how much fun we have in the streets, there’s really is no place…
I'm creating a new path that feels as purpose-driven and fabulous as my previous one. Join me as I hack life to make time for the people and causes that matter most to me. Read More