During the course of this global pandemic, the concept of home has shifted in many ways. Mine has become my office, a play space, a church, a fitness center and much more. It’s also a place where I feel like a mom/wife/worker, day in and day out, with no breaks. The more time that I’ve spent in these four walls, the more that I’ve learned about myself.
Motherhood, my career and my family are the biggest blessings in my life. Full stop. However, I acknowledge that the rhythms of life carried me away from the things that made my heart smile as KB the individual. Not Karyn the mother or Karyn the wife. It was bad before COVID-19 rocked our world. But, these past few months had me starting to feel incredibly stuck.

I knew that I was going to return to blogging at some point. But, I didn’t know when I would be ready. Did I need to figure out who I was first? How cool did I need to look? Did I need to have my career and relationships running smoothly? Where is the bat signal?
I’ve waited for what I hoped would be the perfect moment. But, y’all, that never came. What did come is a burning desire to center myself on creativity, community and self-care. These past three months have provided me with an opportunity to take stock of my life and reflect on my story.
“At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes.”
Zephaniah 3:20
In May, I read the above verse in a daily devotional. And, just like that, I knew that it was time. Time to open up my mouth to speak loudly about the causes that matter most to me. Time to open up my heart to let the light back in. Time to open up my world and realign with who I was called to be.
In returning to The Fabulous Giver, I’m returning home. I’m creating a new path to a life that feels as fulfilling and purpose-driven as my previous one. I’m re-learning how to celebrate myself and who I am in this new season. I walked away from this blog two years ago because the pressure to be perfect almost swallowed me whole.
I feel no such pressure at this moment. I am here to share and to connect. I’ll be talking about causes that I’m supporting, things that make my soul smile, and the little doses of fabulousness that brighten my day.
If this is your first blog post, welcome! If you’re back visiting after many years, welcome back! It feels so good to be home. Kick off your shoes and stay awhile.

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