I’m partial but I think that my boys are the best kids in the world. They are funny, thoughtful, and so creative. There is also a confident and kind spirit in them that I have committed to nurturing. Part of this is making sure that I speak life into them, and also demonstrate what it looks like to speak well over yourself. That is why we’ve started regularly saying affirmations. Positive affirmations help children deal with challenges and embrace positive self-talk. Many of the affirmations we say regularly are about courage, creativity and kindness. But, I’ve also started incorporating gratitude affirmations for my children.
Why cultivate gratitude in children?
Cultivating gratitude is a regular practice for me. Everyday, I see something that tries to tell me that I need to buy more, do more, have more. Taking a moment to be deeply grateful for what I have and who I am has been a game-changer for me. And, it is never too early to instill that same level of thankfulness in them. When it comes to toys or vacations or shoes, it can be just as easy for them to feel like they are lacking compared to their friends. Having age-appropriate affirmations of gratitude can be used to help remind children that they have much to be thankful for.
Simple and impactful affirmations
During last Christmas season, I came up with these gratitude affirmations for my children. They are easy to recite and easy to remember. Some days, we went through all four at the same time. Or I just chose one for them that matched the situation, like feeling like they “need” more toys. How you use them is really up to you!

- I am happy with any gift that I get.
- I am thankful for a warm home.
- I am loved.
- I am thankful for my family and friends.
- I am special just the way I am.
- I am grateful for my teachers and what I learn each day.
It only takes a moment to recite these but, if you do it consistently, the impact will be great. You can start as early as you want too. My three-year-old has little affirmations that he does before preschool. It is never too early to help build a foundation of thankfulness within our children. Of course, doing affirmations is not a foolproof method to avoid complaining. After all, we’re human. But, it can help frame things up in an age-appropriate way.
I am enough. You are enough. Now, let’s help our children walk and live out the same belief.

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