As we close the chapter on this year, most of us will make declarations of how to better ourselves moving forward in the new year. Often this includes vows to be kinder, live healthier and to give more. Living a charitable life doesn’t require lots of money or time. However, it does require that you be intentional about your actions and thoughts.
If you’re making a resolution to turn a new leaf next year, here are ten (of many) easy and small ways that you can start being a fabulous giver.
10. When doing your monthly grocery shopping, grab a few extra non-perishable goods and donate them to your local food pantry.
9. Attend an event at a small arts center, even if it’s free. It’s not always about the money. Some centers rely on attendee numbers to help make the case for funding and to demonstrate their value in the community.
8. Play a pick-up game of jump rope, football, or basketball with kids in your neighborhood.
7. Round up your loose change and regularly donate the total to the charity of your choice.
6. Clean out your closet and bookcases and donate any unwanted, gently used items to a shelter.
5. Sign up for your employer’s workplace giving program. Don’t have one? There are other ways that you can give back at work.
4. Donate that extra $1 (or more) to charity when you’re checking out after your purchase.
3. Offer to give a friend, co-worker, or a fellow church member a ride home the next time you see them.
2. Tip the baristas at your local coffee shop. Bonus points if you visit a cafe that is all about doing good!
So, think about it. What small actions can you take next year that will make a big difference?
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