The theme for International Women’s Day 2021 is “Choose to Challenge.” Women have done so much to help manage the pandemic for their loved ones and their communities. In honor of IWD, I’ve penned an open letter to my fellow working moms. From grocery store workers to teachers and executives, we have shown up daily to hold it down over this past year. Some of us have taken this season in stride. Others have had their lives disrupted in a significant way. In spite of it all, I see you and celebrate you!
Hey, girl –
I couldn’t let International Women’s Day pass by without telling you how amazing you are. It’s hard to believe that we have been living through this pandemic for over a year. Remember when we thought this thing would only last a few weeks tops? Ha!
When schools started closing, I remember the panic of wondering how in the world could we do our jobs and also keep our children learning at home. I don’t know about you but motherhood is my ministry. Not leading my boys in academic exercises for 6-8 hours daily. We chose to keep our boys in daycare. No matter what childcare route you chose, I know you did what was best for your family.
I am amazed every time that you tell me what you have accomplished over the past year. Promotions, new roles, and new recipes… WOW. But, I hope you know that you are just as incredible if you chose to do none of those things. The pressure to overproduce right now is at an all-time high, but we can’t do it all. Nor should we. I’ve given into that pressure myself so I get it. But, when I feel ashamed about what I didn’t get done, I tell myself these three words.
I am enough.
Your turn to say them. SAY THEM.

Some days, it feels like everyone needs something from us – our team, our managers, our partners and our children. I’ve been there. On those days, I’m glad that we are not in the office so no one can see the visible signs of frustration rolling down my face. This is hard. Working motherhood is a challenge on any day. And, COVID-19 has upended so much of what we knew to be true.
This past year has just been one test after another, but we are still here. Let’s continue to pay it forward and support each other. We do this through by giving words of encouragement, offering to run errands for each other, donating to moms who need it, and speaking up about policies that can help put us all in a better position.
You are doing the best that you can – even when you physically and mentally can’t. Give yourself grace when the whole house gets kicked off wi-fi 10 minutes before e-learning begins. Speak kindly to yourself when the kids have had too much screen time. And, remember that breakfast for dinner is always an option.
Let’s tap into grace and gratitude to fight mom guilt.
Wishing you health, sanity and all the caffeine you can handle,

1 Comment
This was exactly what I needed to read this evening. I’m sharing it far and wide.
Once again, you’ve been a blessing.
Love you!