Hey, everyone! It’s been a minute since I’ve checked in. I really do hope that you’re in good spirits and in good health. These past few weeks have been full of new routines, new commitments and new schedules. All while continuing to juggle work and home responsibilities. Oh, and take better care of my mental and physical health. WHEW.
I’m not complaining at all, but I wouldn’t be keeping it real if I said it was smooth sailing. I haven’t been this active in a minute! This is an uncomfortable season, but I feel myself growing.
Having gardened for three years now, I know that growing seasons can be tough. There is a lot of trial and error. It is not an activity for impatient folks. You put things into dirt and sometimes they grow well. Other times, they grow so, so slow like last year’s yellow squash plant. Or they never grow at all. Regardless of the outcome, I’ve committed to keep learning and adjusting how I approach the situation.
If I can find the grace to keep showing up in the garden, then I can find it each day as I navigate my growing to-do list. I am going to make mistakes. It’s inevitable because I’m human. When I find myself getting worked up or tight, there are three questions that I use to check-in with myself.
Am I being kind to myself in this moment?
Is this a situation that I can control?
What’s the next best step that I can take right now?
I talk about grace often because it’s the key to maintaining perspective and keeping a kind heart. If you’re navigating a series of changes right now, think about what you need to do to find grace in this growing season. What does self-care look like? What can you say no to? Who can you ask for help?
Wishing you all the best. We got this!

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